Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) – Things You Need to Know

IT enabled services refers to the entire Information Technology usage for the provision and improvement of services and efficiency in any kind of organization. Information technology has given rise to a large number of industries and workforce. Every other person in the country is linked with the IT industry in direct or indirect form. It has expanded like a web all over the world. The various kinds of services provided by this Information Technology Industry are web services, call centres, medical billing, content development, logistics management, claims processes, back office operations etc. These are all a very few examples of the IT enabled Services.
There are great deals of advantages for a business to use ITES. If you realize the benefits of digital marketing and advertising solutions, you can venture into it and get the best services to transform your organization in India.
For providing these kinds of services, a well-managed communication and the service enabling technology is required. As the IT industry is booming over the years, the setting up of technological parks and linking technology to our daily life is the example of ITES gripping its roots everywhere. Technology has made the world smaller and our work easier. It has reduced the geographical distance virtually.

Information Technology Enabled Services includes services like the following:

  • Animation
  • Business process outsourcing
  • Back office operations
  • Collection services
  • Customer care
  • Interaction services
  • Data digitization
  • Digital content development
  • Website services
  • Transcription services
  • Translation services
  • Remote education
  • Market research
  • Legal databases

All of these services have reduced the workload on the manpower. The favoured application areas are areas where there is huge amount of data that needs to be processed and utilized for delivering the results, or the data is the outcome of the service. In all cases, without use of IT the task would otherwise be unmanageable. Some of the most important areas where IT enabled services can be deployed are:

  •         Telemarketing
  •          Helpdesk
  •          Customer Support Centres
  •          Data Ware House
  •          Transcription Centres
  •          GIS Mapping for Transport tracking
  •          Electronic Distribution.

In any business, for the management, a sound communication is required. These days business has gone worldwide; globalization and management require a system to build up a communication between the production floor and execution floor. It often requires a voice over or instant messaging which cannot be possible without the help of information technology.  Likewise, there is every other field that uses information technology services in the business. NeelPro System provide the ITES in excellence to it domestic and international clients worldwide. All the web services, provided by the NeelPro System are designed and managed by skilled and well-trained professionals and have the potential to take your business to new extremes.


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