
Showing posts with the label application development services

B2B And B2C Services

B2B  is shorthand for business to business. The products and services of the business are marketed to other businesses  B2B and B2C services by Neelpro . Examples include advertising agencies, web hosting and graphic design services, office furniture manufacturers and landlords who lease office and retail space  Neelpro provides best B2B and B2C services best B2B and B2C services complete B2B and B2B services by Neelpro . Business to business relationships is developed and ongoing, and the sales processes involved take longer than business-to-consumer relationships. B2B decision making may take place at more than one level best B2C service company. For instance, the salesperson meets with the departmental manager, who then has to get approval from the business owner before the sale is closed. Business to Consumer The final customer is the consumer with a B2C business. Housecleaning services, restaurants and retail stores are examples of B2C companies and Neel...

Web Designing and Development Services

Web designing is very different from web development. Designing provides the basic structure of the website on which the innovative platform is to be developed. Web designers create the layout and visual effects of the website by using adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver etc. while the developers work on JavaScript, HTML etc. for the development of the website. The web designers at Neel Pro System know their work at the best. They are well trained in customized creation of the layout of a good website that will help you develop the website and optimize it on the search engine. Since designing a website is an extensive and lengthy task therefore, it is done in modules and divided among the team of developers in accordance to their area of expertise. The code quality in the designing of the web is very crucial. It the part on which the structure and working depends. Our developers provide error free, easy to implement coding for the website.  The other areas include marketing an...

E-Commerce Services | NeelPro System

With the E-Commerce services it has been able to achieve ubiquity in the world of business, a global reach of universal standard is maintained. The quality of service is rich, and interactivity has been increased. With the unique services provided with e commerce, the personalization of websites according to the business requirement can be done. E-commerce or electronic commerce is referred to the business done over the large electronic network such as internet. NeelPro System make available to its clients the best Application Development Services . TYPES OF E-COMMERCE SERVICES ·          Business-to-Business (B2B) ·          Business-to-Consumer (B2C) ·          Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) ·          Consumer-to-Business (C2B) ·          Business-to-Employee (B2E) ...

Web Application Development

Web ApplicationDevelopment refers to the development of program/website that the client uses for performing tasks and runs it on a web browser. These web applications are task specific and can be designed for performing a variety of tasks. Some common examples of web development that are used widely are e-commerce websites, social media, instant and real time messaging, websites development etc. Websites which have similar functionality as software application to be used on the desktop or any mobile app are also considered as Web application. The clear distinction between the webpage and web application is quite unclear. Web development refers to the work involved in the developing of a website to communicate over the internet or intranet. It involves web engineering, web designing, web content development, client side/server side scripting, network security configuration etc. The non-designing aspect of website development involves writing mark up and coding. It envelops a...

Web Development

With the development of business industry, globalization and digitalization in the world, the industry of web development is growing exponentially every single day. The web development industry is chiefly driven by the businesses that sell product and services. E- Commerce websites are the most common websites. The website developers in previous times mainly worked for the development of desktop based applications now they help to deliver applications as web services which were traditionally only available as applications on a desktop computer. With this advancement in technologies there is a variety of services provided by the web development companies. Web development refers to the work involved in the developing of a website to communicate over the internet or intranet. It involves web engineering, web designing, web content development, client side/server side scripting, network security configuration etc. The non designing aspect of website development involves writi...