Why Certification Testing?
Certification of any form refers to the approval of the characteristics of any object, person, or organization. Certification testing is therefore a very broad term. It covers within different services of a company. Here, the certification testing of electronic payment terminal is covered in detail. A payment terminal is a very common device these days. It is used to communicate between the EVM chip card such as your master or VISA credit/debit card and the card issuer. Certification testing covers the testing of the entire process of the payment beginning from the setting up of an account to the final processed payment intimation to the card user. A product might be verified to meet the terms with a specification or stamped with a specification number. This does not, by itself, indicate that the item is fit for any particular use. The person or group of persons who own the certification scheme (i.e., engineers, trade unions, building code writers, government, industry, etc.) have