How To Increase Visibility With Social Media Optimization | NeelPro Systems

The trend in SMO has grown much like the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) took over the marketing agenda a few years ago. There was a time when marketers focused all efforts on getting their websites listed in search results and cutting through to the first page until they realized they have to pay to play. Today, the fast transition from organic to paid social has driven the interest in SMO, and now the trend is reaching its peak. Now instead of paying to compete to be at the top of search result, we contest for the audience’s views on the News Feed.
Objectives Of SMO
Social Media Optimization (SMO) is a conversion optimization activity for social media, so you need to identify the action for which you’re trying to optimize conversion. The following list displays different sections of a blog website and the respective social actions to optimize:
§  Website Global Template: Get users to visit your social accounts, subscribe to updates, and follow you socially.
§  Blog/News Page: Get users to follow you socially, click-through to articles, click-through to author pages, and share or rate content.
§  Author Bio Pages: Get users to socially follow authors and click-through to their articles.
§  Article: Get users to share, bookmark, rate, comment on, and link to the article.
§  Article Commenting: Get users to comment, rate comments, and interact with other commenters.

#Neelprosystem  social media optimization is related to search engine marketing, it differs in several ways. Neelpro provides best SMO services to their customers.

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